
Highlighter Crew


Festin is an experimental drink dispenser granted mobility. Brain empty, full of soda. His sole purpose in life is to fill your cup.


Initially built as the "perfect adaptive machine" in a college fair, they managed to get lost one night and gain a strange fascination with soda... Since then they've changed looks, and may never meet their creator again.



His main ability is being able to fill himself with soda and dispense it. They can take from soda dispensers directly with their hose tail, attatching to and "drinking" from them.

It isn't confirmed what their capacity limit is, though I imagine as long as they can fit through the door of whatever establishment they walked into (at least barely) they will fill to that capacity. That, or until they're kicked out for taking all the corn syrup.

Their other utility comes from their learning nanites; always adaptive, and render them incredibly resiliant to anything. Knives and bullets may work once, but dont expect those to work again... Thanks to their nanites as well, they can shapeshift into many forms, but mostly stick with their pudgy, cat-like look.

Soda Facts

  • This character is an adopt made by Locitony, bought and given to me by Slukaar, and futher developed by a friend of mine Soft
  • They cannot speak, but do emote at times. Usually they just stare at you with a slack jaw
  • Unknowingly Inconvenience's nemesis.

Sega iFish