Kallhardt Mursch


There's a butt⚠️


Kallie is a large, fox-like social freak with a knack for showing up wherever you least expect.


Kallie is an anomaly with no clear motive. Not always shy, but often pressured around others, he's learning how to blend in with society as a whole after being sheltered most of his life. Trying to uncover what this black goopy stuff is that keeps showing up, Kallie finds his wealthy family might have more dark secrets than he thought.



Kallie is gifted with superhuman abilities, who would've thought? Fueled with an unknown substance that permeates through their whole body, they can use it to form weapons, build tendrils, grapple far away objects, ect. It is highly discoraged to consume this substance.

In order to recover and generate more of it Kallie is encouraged to eat, and though the living is much more potent for their diet, he tries not to sink that low. Usually.

explosive facts

  • His body reacts very poorly to soda, and may lead to bursting.
  • Alcohol is even more potent, not just in bloating, but the innebriating effects as well.

Fever The Ghost - Callico